October 20, 2013


The old Ebusus was founded by Carthage in 654 BC and the small hill next to Dalt Vila is perhaps the oldest history test on the island, which is also an interestingly proof that life and death are linked. This mountain was the great necropolis and the hill next to the other was where the life was, but with a fragile border that connects the death and the life, the Phoenicians and Carthaginians lived with both.
It was in the seventh century b.C. when it began to be a cemetery. A spectacular set of hypogea and a series of caves which were accessed through openings in the rock, leading to the place where they were buried Carthaginian contemporaries and was used until Roman times of the island.
These archaeological sites were looted in the past, which made very difficult the study of archaeologists. Although it appears that in Ibiza (unlike Cádiz) the offerings were not of great value, but rather as jewelry, offerings to the dead were simply mud vases and other items made ​​of clay.  
The number of graves in this place is estimated between 3,000 and 5,000 but many are yet to be discovered, of which 340 are visible already. The importance of this place is reflected in the title that gave the UNESCO as a "World Heritage" to Ibiza in 1999, but before, in 1977 it was classified as "cultural interest site".
The influence of the Carthaginians gods was powerful. The ancient island name of Ibosim or Ebusus would come to say that Ibiza was the island of Bes (Egyptian god who came here through the Carthaginians) is often depicted with musical objects, chubby, carefree and even with very big head ... sympathetic buffoon and even something as sexual icon. In contrast, the goddess Tanit was the Lady of Ibiza, and much more complex .... The cult of Tanit had two faces. The friendly one that have to do with the moon, fertility, life and happiness, love goddess and protector of Ibiza, but also with a dark side, as she was also goddess of darkness, hell, health and death and thus was protective of the deads. Perhaps thats was why was so inevitable that death in Ibiza was so present as it is in this place "Puig des molins". And as it´s said, the death is part of life.

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